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  • Feature image for Push notifications for Android

    Stay in the loop with push notifications on Android for new activity in your conversations, like new mentions, replies, or comment resolutions. Push notifications work on Android devices when Campsite has been installed as a home screen bookmark.

    To install Campsite, open your browser, tap the ••• menu button, and select “Add to Home Screen.” Open the newly installed bookmark, sign in, and look for the “Enable notifications” button at the top of the Home feed.

    From your browser, tap the three-dot menu button and select “Add to Home Screen.”

    Other improvements

    • The empty state on the Calls page has been redesigned to make it clearer how to start a call and where recordings will appear after a call has ended.
    • We improved how content is truncated when shared to a Slack channel through our Slack integration.
    • Post titles are now inferred if the body text starts with a heading or line of bold text. These inferred titles will improve search ranking and make search results easier to scan.


    • Fixed a flickering layout mismatch when rendering an unfurled tweet preview.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause UI elements to display incorrectly on Samsung Android devices.
    • Fixed a bug where long text could overflow outside the chat composer.
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent new chat conversations from being created.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause mentions not to trigger a push notification.
    • Spaces in the sidebar are updated automatically if the space is renamed.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented attachments from previewing in a full-screen lightbox while composing a new post.
  • Feature image for Push notifications for iOS

    Stay in the loop with push notifications for new activity in your conversations, like mentions, replies, or comment resolutions. Push notifications work on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch when Campsite has been installed as a home screen bookmark.

    To install Campsite, open Safari, tap the Share button, and select “Add to Home Screen.” Open the newly installed bookmark, sign in, and look for the “Enable notifications” button at the top of the Home feed.

    From Safari, tap the Share button and select “Add to Home Screen.”

    Push notifications are available on iOS 16.4 or newer.

  • Feature image for Rich link previews

    Links shared in posts will automatically unfurl a rich preview card to make your team’s feed easier to scan and more visually interesting. This rich preview can be removed.

    We currently support rich link previews for X, Threads, Campsite posts from the same organization, and any other URL that returns open graph metadata.

    Other improvements

    • Tap the bottom tabs for Home, Inbox, or Chat on mobile to refresh the page.


    • The desktop app badge for unread notifications is cleared when signing out.
    • Fixed a layout bug when viewing public posts while signed out.
    • Fixed a bug that could send double push notifications in the desktop app.
  • Feature image for New activity badges

    Posts in your team’s feed are badged when there are new comments that you haven’t seen yet. This change makes sure you don’t miss any decisions or context in your active conversations.

    In addition, your team’s feed is now ranked: unseen posts, or posts with unseen comments, will always appear first in the feed. When you’ve seen everything, Campsite will show a “You’re all caught up” separator.


    • Fixed certain dialogs being misaligned at the top of the screen on mobile.
    • Fixed the attachment carousel gradient overlapping the navigation sidebar when viewing a post page.
    • Previewing attachments in the composer will open them at full height on mobile.
  • Feature image for Share any file

    Share any file — PDF, Keynote, .psd, code, audio, and anything else — in posts, notes, or comments to get feedback on anything you make.

    Campsite also renders .HEIC files natively to make sharing from iOS easier.

    Combined with version history, Campsite can be your team’s source of truth for progress on files that don’t have built-in comment systems.

  • Feature image for Generate Figma file previews from links

    Campsite automatically generates image previews from your Figma links, making it easier for your team to view and comment on designs without needing to open or log in to Figma.

    Image previews keep your team focused on the specific frames you want feedback on and can be used as a permanent archive for design version history.

    Connect your Campsite and Figma accounts from the account settings page.

    connect Campsite and Figma from the account settings page

    Once connected, paste a link to a Figma file, page, or frame into the post composer, and Campsite will automatically generate an image preview.

    Other improvements

    • We brought back the inbox popover, making it faster to peek into unread notifications and reduce the amount of clicking to navigate between active conversations.
    • Sharing posts to private Slack channels will only display channels where the current user is a member.
    • We added a better loading indicator to attachments in the composer that can be clicked to remove an attachment mid-upload.
    • Notification roll-ups for comments and reactions are now separated so that reaction notifications don’t override comment/mention notifications.
    • The command menu (⌘K) can be opened while focused in a text field or input.
    • We removed the “New draft” flow from the Figma plugin.
    • Videos autoplay in the feed and show native video controls to play, pause, and unmute.


    • We’ve invested in performance improvements across the desktop application and mobile website so that navigation is snappy.
    • Tapping a comment notification on mobile scrolls to the comment.
    • Fixed hidden overflow bugs in dropdowns with lots of options.
    • Toasts now appear above the tab bar on mobile.
    • Fixed a bug where width and height were not correctly set on Lottie attachments.
    • Signed-out viewers are now correctly redirected to the sign-in page when viewing private posts instead of seeing an error screen.
    • Autoplaying videos in the feed don’t automatically hijack fullscreen when scrolling on iOS Safari.
    • Figma iframe embeds now scale-to-fit.
    • UI polish, performance improvements, and minor bug fixes across the board.
  • Feature image for Note text comments

    Add inline comments to text in a note. Highlight text and click the "Comment" button in the popover menu to add a comment, or click on any existing text comment to view the conversation and add a reply.

  • Feature image for Note attachment comments

    Individual attachments in notes now support annotation comments for high-bandwidth feedback.

    Click on any image attachment in a note to view it full-screen and add annotations. A facepile preview of commenters and the comment count will appear below the attachment preview.

    Other improvements

    • Command/control + clicking on notifications in the inbox popover no longer closes the popover.
    • Campsite automatically upgrades when the app has been in the background for an hour.


    • Slack broadcasts ignore previously-deleted feedback requests.
    • Version counts increment correctly, even when some versions were deleted along the way.
    • Improved drag and drop for attachments in notes. Attachments can now be dropped at the beginning of an empty note.
    • The slash commands popover no longer overflows the viewport when opened near the bottom of a note.
    • Fixed a bug where file uploads in notes could overwrite each other if using the slash command menu back-to-back.
    • Fixed several bugs where long lists and long note paragraphs could break Slack broadcast previews.
    • Comment draft content is cleared correctly after posting a comment. Annotation comment drafts are no longer shared across attachments.
    • Fixed a bug with rendering large attachments if the browser was zoomed in.
    • Fixed auto-link when highlighting text and pasting a link in a note or post description.
    • UI polish across the app when Campsite is added as a mobile homescreen bookmark.
    • Videos no longer autoplay when viewing your own posts.
    • Added copy link buttons to tag and profile pages for easier page sharing from the Desktop app.
  • Feature image for Embed posts in notes

    Embed rich posts into a note with a link or the new slash command menu. Embedded posts are perfect for adding historical context to a new idea or creating curated rollups of your team's work.

    Use the new / command menu to start searching for a post while writing a note:

    type forward slash in a note to open the new command menu

    Other improvements

    • Notes now support version history — create new versions of notes to track changes over time and recover old ideas.
    • Added support for horizontal rules in notes.
    • Type / to open a command menu for formatting rich text in a note.


    • Fixed Slack broadcasts for long notes that hit Slack's block limit.
    • Drag and drop is disabled within a block quote, so only the quote is draggable.
    • Added pre-loading so that navigating back to the Home feed after viewing a post is faster.
    • Fixed a bug where double-clicking the New Version button would attempt to create two new posts.
    • Fixed a bug with quarterly billing prorations where many mid-cycle membership changes would cause an invoice to be truncated.
    • Autosaving draft comments now creates a draft-per-reply.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the remove attachment button to trigger attachment reordering.
    • Fixed a bug that would allow a deleted draft to be opened in the post editor.
    • The comment composer expands and auto-focuses when a file is dropped onto the placeholder.
    • Drafts are now optimistically created, deleted, and posted.
    • Fixed inconsistent dropdown styles across the app and improved dark mode contrast on selection states.
    • Rich text formatting like bold and italics now reset on hard line breaks.
    • Typing [ ] or [x] at the beginning of a list will convert the list item into a task.
  • Feature image for Create post versions from Figma

    Stay in flow by creating new post versions directly from the Campsite + Figma plugin.

    We've also added new commands to the plugin to:

    • Start a new draft — upload frames and finish the post in your browser.
    • Quick-share frames to a project — instantly share frames to a project without leaving Figma.

    The plugin has also been rebuilt from the ground up with a smoother authentication flow, upload progress indicators, improved keyboard navigation, and a more cohesive UI.

    Install the Campsite Figma plugin.


    We've deprecated our integrations with Linear and GitHub to create new issues from posts. Let us know how we can connect Campsite to your existing tools by requesting new integrations.

    Other improvements

    • Improved keyboard navigation while editing notes.
    • Projects in the post breadcrumbs are now clickable, with a secondary menu action to change a post's project.


    • Fixed performance issues with loading images with many annotation comments.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Origami and Principle prototypes from opening their respective native apps from the Campsite desktop app.
    • The emoji picker no longer auto-focuses the search input on mobile devices.
    • Attachment reorders are respected when broadcasting posts to Slack.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause hardware media keys to stay focused on videos after closing a post.
    • Removed animation jank and improved performance of annotation comments.
    • The app correctly redirects signed-out users to the auth page when viewing a post.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented feedback request controls from displaying to post authors on notes.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented a post from being closed after interacting with embedded Figma prototypes.