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  • Feature image for Note attachments

    Share more expressive notes with your team by embedding videos, images, gifs, and prototypes. Notes now support drag-and-drop so that rearranging your ideas is fast and intuitive.

    Other improvements

    • Simplified the post sidebar and made it easier to edit post metadata and manage tags.
    • The design of posts in both the grid and feed layouts has been improved to make scanning easier and content hierarchy more consistent.
    • Removed Figma's prototype UI so that embedded prototypes show more content.
    • Improved theme colors and tap accessibility when Campsite is used from a home screen bookmark on touch devices.
    • A post's version is now shown next to its title in the grid and feed.
    • Added the New Version action back to the post ••• overflow menu so that it's easier to create new versions.
    • New versions can be created from the version picker dropdown in the post titlebar, even when you're not viewing the latest version.
    • We've added a range of quality-of-life improvements to the note editor to make keyboard navigation easier while moving between the title and description or when interacting with the area around the note editor.
    • The post sidebar can be opened and closed while editing a note.
    • Admins can now move posts to a different project from the post ••• overflow menu.


    • Fixed missing hover and active styles on select dropdowns in dark mode.
    • Fixed the link attachment popover not appearing for comments.
    • The annotation comment cursor now appears for SVG attachments.
    • Added a better fallback UI for attachments that fail to load in the post view or feed.
    • MP4s no longer download as .mp4v files.
    • Long notes that exceed Slack's per-block character limit are now split apart for broadcasts.
    • Fixed an edge case where navigating to a post would break the back button and prevent the post from being closed.
    • Annotation comments will be shown when a sidebar annotation is clicked, even if annotations are hidden.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed submitting empty comments.
    • The timestamp comment indicator no longer appears for replies.
    • Fixed flickering when adding or removing annotation comments.
    • Added an error dialog when attempting to upload attachments bigger than the current organization's plan limit.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented reordered attachments from saving.
    • Fixed the typeahead search for projects, people, and tags in the digest editor so that all of an organization's data can be searched.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause certain dropdowns to extend beyond the viewport.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the account settings navigation to disappear when browsing the Design community.
    • Fixed a bug that caused gifs to fill the entire attachment preview space instead of rendering at their native resolution.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented updating a project's broadcast selection or cover photo.
  • Feature image for Drafts

    All posts start as private drafts so you can compose, annotate, and get feedback before posting to your entire team.

    To share a draft for private feedback, enable the "Anyone with the link" visibility toggle in the Share menu.

  • Feature image for Notes

    Write beautiful text posts, perfect for sharing announcements or customer research.

    Learn more about how we use Campsite to build Campsite.

  • Feature image for Streamlined post layout

    We combined the post view with the attachment preview dialog to create a new, streamlined post layout.

    The new post layout includes a collapsible sidebar with dynamic controls for requesting feedback, creating Linear or GitHub issues, and leaving comments.

  • Feature image for Supercharged composer

    The new streamlined post view and composer have been combined into a single experience so authors know exactly what viewers will see when a post is published. Authors can preview full-size attachments, annotate designs with comments to add context, and create issues while drafting a new post.

  • Feature image for Link attachments

    Embed links into a post to get feedback from your team. Links make it easy to share Figma prototypes, Loom videos, or anything else.

  • Feature image for Optional Slack broadcasts

    Broadcasting posts to Slack is now optional. Our redesigned share sheet pre-fills a Slack channel linked to the current project, but authors can choose to broadcast to a different channel or skip the broadcast entirely.

    This change gives authors more control to get work in front of the right people at the right time.

  • Feature image for Edit attachments on posts

    Add, remove, and reorder attachments, even after you've posted — no need to delete your post and start from scratch if you made a mistake.

  • Feature image for Inline post search and filter

    Inline search and filters make finding posts easy. From the Home page, filter posts by project, tag, or author. From a project, quickly filter by author or tag. And from a profile, quickly filter a person's posts by project or tag.

    Other improvements

    • The people invitation form can handle a paste that contains multiple emails and emails formatted with the common <email> syntax from mail applications.
    • Annotation comments reposition themselves when they get close to the edge of the canvas and pan when they're focused offscreen.


    • Fixed a bug that caused Linear and GitHub issues created from a Campsite post to be stuck in a loading state.
    • Select menus now autosize their height to avoid overflowing outside of the viewport.
    • The tip popover to open a Figma embed in the browser no longer fires incorrectly when prototypes are shared in a post.
    • Fixed a rendering issue when SVGs were displayed in email notifications and digests.
    • Fixed a bug where dialogs could expand past the viewport's height.
    • Improved the accessibility and popover focus state of the custom emoji picker.
    • Fixed a bug that caused links in post descriptions and comments to be opened twice.
  • Feature image for SVG attachments

    Upload SVGs into your posts for high-resolution feedback on illustrations, icons, or anything else.

    Campsite also supports:

    • Images — .png, .jpeg, .gif
    • Videos — .mp4, .mov
    • Prototypes — .origami, .prd
    • Lottie — .json