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    Generate Figma file previews from links

    December 6, 2023
    Feature image for Generate Figma file previews from links

    Campsite automatically generates image previews from your Figma links, making it easier for your team to view and comment on designs without needing to open or log in to Figma.

    Image previews keep your team focused on the specific frames you want feedback on and can be used as a permanent archive for design version history.

    Connect your Campsite and Figma accounts from the account settings page.

    connect Campsite and Figma from the account settings page

    Once connected, paste a link to a Figma file, page, or frame into the post composer, and Campsite will automatically generate an image preview.

    Other improvements

    • We brought back the inbox popover, making it faster to peek into unread notifications and reduce the amount of clicking to navigate between active conversations.
    • Sharing posts to private Slack channels will only display channels where the current user is a member.
    • We added a better loading indicator to attachments in the composer that can be clicked to remove an attachment mid-upload.
    • Notification roll-ups for comments and reactions are now separated so that reaction notifications don’t override comment/mention notifications.
    • The command menu (⌘K) can be opened while focused in a text field or input.
    • We removed the “New draft” flow from the Figma plugin.
    • Videos autoplay in the feed and show native video controls to play, pause, and unmute.


    • We’ve invested in performance improvements across the desktop application and mobile website so that navigation is snappy.
    • Tapping a comment notification on mobile scrolls to the comment.
    • Fixed hidden overflow bugs in dropdowns with lots of options.
    • Toasts now appear above the tab bar on mobile.
    • Fixed a bug where width and height were not correctly set on Lottie attachments.
    • Signed-out viewers are now correctly redirected to the sign-in page when viewing private posts instead of seeing an error screen.
    • Autoplaying videos in the feed don’t automatically hijack fullscreen when scrolling on iOS Safari.
    • Figma iframe embeds now scale-to-fit.
    • UI polish, performance improvements, and minor bug fixes across the board.
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