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  • Feature image for GitHub integration

    The Campsite + GitHub integration bridges the gap between design and engineering teams, making it simple to create actionable issues from design feedback.

    To start, connect your Campsite to GitHub from your organization settings page.

    Connect your organization to GitHub from your organization settings page

    Every post and comment dropdown will have a new option to create a new GitHub issue.

    Find the option to create a GitHub issue from any post or comment dropdown

    Create an issue by selecting a repository, adding a title, and optionally adding a description, assignee, and labels.

    Choose a repository, assignee, and labels from the issue composer

    Once the issue has been created, it will appear in the post's linked issues section. Issues titles and statuses will be synced with GitHub, so you'll always have the latest context.

    Show all issues created from a post

    On GitHub, your team will have a link back to the Campsite post where the issue was created to keep conversations and context together.

    We're excited to continue building more integrations to help Campsite fit into your team's workflow. If you have requests for future integrations, click here and let us know.

  • Feature image for Post search

    Post search is now faster and more powerful. We've added support for fuzzy search, typo tolerance, and team member associations so that it's easy to search for things like brian's homepage redesign.

    Use the ⌘K command menu shortcut to instantly search all of your posts, projects, and team member profiles.

  • Feature image for Resolve comments

    Resolving comments makes it easy to keep track of design feedback as you're iterating with your team. Resolved comments collapse in place, so it's easy to understand how a conversation evolved. Resolved comments can be expanded or unresolved anytime with a click.


    • Fixed a bug that caused hidden annotation comments to re-appear after panning an image.
    • Fixed a bug that would show a "new posts" section in weekly digest and daily digest emails, even when no new posts were created.
  • Feature image for Principle Prototypes

    Share and give feedback on Principle prototypes in your posts. Uploading a Principle file automatically generates a QR code that anyone on your team can scan from the feed to open on a mobile device or in the desktop app with a click.

    Sharing Principle files also creates a point-in-time archive of your prototypes, making it easy to restore earlier versions or iterations of an idea.

    Principle makes it easy to design animated and interactive user interfaces. Learn more.

  • Feature image for Inbox redesign

    Accessing your inbox is faster and easier with a new pop-out design. We've also improved the design of individual notifications, making them easier to scan to help you triage updates faster. Notifications now include post titles, media previews, and rich context to communicate what's happening in a conversation before you click.

    We've also added better tools for bulk-triaging notifications: mark all notifications as read or delete every notification with a click. You can also filter your inbox to only show unread notifications.

  • Feature image for Lottie files

    Collaborate on motion across teams and projects with Lottie file attachments. Sharing Lottie files on Campsite enables high-quality async feedback for motion designers and animators:

    Lottie helps teams add high-quality animations to any native app or website. Learn more.

    Other improvements

    • Opening an image in the attachment previewer will now scale to fit the viewport by default.
    • Added a "Copy link" action to the post menu for faster sharing.
    • Added project accessories and icons to the search command palette to simplify project navigation.


    • Fixed a bug that could cause profiles with a single post to have a broken layout.
    • Fixed optimistic UI updates when leaving a reply to a comment.
    • Fixed notification previews for posts that don't have a title.
    • Various UI fixes and performance improvements.
  • Feature image for Linear integration

    The Campsite + Linear integration bridges the gap between design and engineering teams, making it simple to create actionable issues from design feedback.

    To start, connect your Campsite with Linear from your organization settings page.

    Connect your organization to Linear from your organization settings page

    In every post and comment dropdown there will be a new option to create a Linear issue.

    Find the option to create a Linear issue from any post or comment dropdown

    Create an issue by selecting a team, adding a title and optionally adding a description, project, assignee, and labels.

    Choose a team, assignee, project, and labels from the issue composer

    Once the issue has been created, it will appear in a new linked issues section on the post. Issues titles will be synced with Linear, so you'll always have the right context.

    Show all issues created from a post

    On Linear, your team will have a link back to the Campsite post where the issue was created to keep conversations and context together.

    Issues will link back to the original post on Campsite

    We're excited to continue building more integrations to help Campsite fit into your team's workflow. If you have requests for future integrations, click here and let us know.

    Other improvements

    • Improved the performance of searching for people, projects, and tags in the ⌘K menu.
    • Added new keyboard shortcuts to the composer: ⇧ + P to open the project picker, ⇧ + T to add tags, and ⌘ + ⇧ + A/Ctrl + ⇧ + A to add attachments.
    • Large images now zoom-to-fit when opened in the attachment previewer.


    • Fixed a bug that was preventing deleted notifications from being hidden optimistically.
    • The attachment preview gallery thumbnails now overflow correctly when there are many attachments on a post.
    • We're continuing to improve the performance of viewing and commenting on large attachment images.
    • UI polish and minor bug fixes.
  • Feature image for New share options

    Posts and digests are easier to share with cross-functional partners or entire groups of people on your team:

    • Share directly to anyone in your Campsite organization.
    • Share to any email address (recipients will be able to preview the post or digest in their email, but will need to be a member of your organization to view and comment in the app).
    • Share to any Slack channel, including private channels that have been connected to your Campsite organization.

    Other improvements

    • Added a keyboard shortcut ⌘ + ⇧ + , or Ctrl + ⇧ + , to copy a post link to the clipboard.


    • Fixed a bug that could cause the comment reply composer to not display at full width.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause certain notifications to be incorrectly marked as read.
    • Reduced the number of refetches that happen when the app is focused to improve performance.
  • Feature image for Private projects

    Private projects enable teams to collaborate on sensitive work-in-progress with a controlled audience. Posts in private projects will only be visible to people added to the project, both in the feed and notification or digest emails.

    Private projects are only available on a paid Campsite plan. Get in touch to upgrade.

    Other improvements

    • Replies in a conversation will now only notify thread participants and the post author, instead of everyone who has ever replied to a post.
    • Adding a new annotation comments will cause all other comments to appear if they were previously hidden using shift + c.


    • Fixed a bug that caused the browser chrome to zoom in and out while zooming an image preview.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause a recently-deleted project to be saved in the composer project picker.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the search dropdown on feedback requests to disappear when there were no search results.
    • The reply input field autofocuses correctly when leaving multiple replies in a row.
    • The comment composer now collapses when the input loses focus.
    • Other UI polish and minor bug fixes.
  • Feature image for Annotation comments

    Annotation comments allow you and your team to share high-fidelity feedback on specific parts of an image. Click anywhere on an image to start an annotated conversation.


    Conversations with multiple people show a preview facepile, exposing conversation hotspots on an image. Expanding an annotation reveals a rich conversation with replies, mentions, and rich text editing.


    Keyboard shortcuts

    Navigating the new image viewer is intuitive — click and drag to pan around. Pinch to zoom. Shortcuts you're familiar with from other tools also work:

    • Hold or Ctrl and scroll to zoom with a mouse.
    • Press Shift + c to toggle the visibility of annotation comments.

    Annotation notifications

    If you're using personal Slack notifications, annotation comment notifications will include a helpful preview showing you exactly where the comment was left.


    Improved performance for large images

    Many teams share large images on Campsite, sometimes over 100mb and tens of thousands of pixels in each direction. We've developed a system that enables conversations on these large images without sacrificing fluid panning and zooming interactions.

    Other improvements

    • We've deprecated the grid layout for browsing posts.
    • Creating a post while viewing a tag feed will correctly pre-populate the composer with that tag.
    • Videos longer than one minute no longer loop.


    • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from enabling two-factor authentication.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Slack broadcast dropdowns to incorrectly show that no channel was active.
    • Fixed styles in Safari when viewing blurred comments on posts that are looking for feedback.
    • UI polish and minor bug fixes.